BlueLine Game Studios

Burndown for Trello

To use this app, please click to authorize this app via the Trello API:
Connect To Trello
This site allows you to create burndown charts for Trello Boards. This is especially useful for anyone using Scrum or agile project management.

For more detailed information, either "connect" by clicking the button above, or skim through our help docs.
Loading your list of boards from Trello...

Welcome to Burndown for Trello!

Here's how it works:
  1. Choose a board from the list on the left.
  2. Enter your estimates in the form, next to each card.
  3. Click "Update" to save the estimates.

← choose a board to get started!

Would your rather enter your estimates right in Trello?

Your paid account gives you access to features which will pull your estimates and time-spent, right from Trello.

To easily enter the estimates in Trello, we recommend the free Scrum for Trello extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. If you don't use any of those browsers, or don't want to use the extension, the system is still fairly straightforward:
  • (5) To enter an estimate in a card, put a number in parentheses anywhere in the card title, like the number five at the beginning of this line. Decimals numbers, e.g.: (2.5) are also allowed.
  • To record the time-spent for a card, enter the number of hours (or points) in square brackets like the number at the end of this line. [3]